Kids And Cosmetic Dentistry: When To Replant Teeth

Family Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is often reserved for teenagers and adults, whose teeth and oral growth are complete. We don’t usually do procedures on children, whose teeth have yet to reach their maturity. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t get questions about children and their dental issues.

It’s not uncommon for kids to get hurt. And baby teeth are meant to fall out eventually, as the adult teeth come out right behind them. When our kids get hurt and knock out a tooth, it’s common to replant them. This means that the tooth is pushed back into the gums. However, this doesn’t always work for a baby tooth.

In fact, replanting a baby tooth can actually result in more damage because of the adult tooth that’s coming out right behind it. When it comes to injuries, it’s oftentimes best to simply be toothless when the baby tooth comes out, as the adult tooth should be of primary concern. It’s the adult tooth that will provide years of usage, not the baby tooth.

Of course, replanted teeth, even adult teeth, do not last a lifetime. We can’t simply replant the tooth and expect the issue to resolve itself. They can last several years at times, depending on the issue at hand. If a tooth can be replanted within minutes of the injury, the survival length is increased.

In fact, an adolescent’s face is still developing during the teenage years, so it can actually be best to save the tooth until development maturity and then consider long-term replacement options. This may increase your chances of longevity, as the face and jaw are now fully formed.

Dr. Michael Wong at the San Mateo Center for Cosmetic Dentistry can answer more questions about tooth replanting services, including for children and teenagers. If the tooth is unable to be replanted, we can offer cosmetic dental procedures to fix the issue for you. That’s why our patients call us the best cosmetic dentist in San Mateo.