Do I Qualify for A Dental Implant?

Cosmetic Dentistry

At San Mateo Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer a large list of services to make your smile brighter and whiter. One of the procedures we offer is dental implants. A dental implant is an artificial tooth that’s surgically attached to an implanted post in your gums. We offer this procedure to replace missing teeth or teeth that are severely decayed or fractured.

But not everyone can get a dental implant. It really depends on the individual and the condition of their teeth. It’s important that our patients have healthy gums that can sustain the implanted post. In addition, the jaw bone must be strong enough to support the implant. If not, bone grafting is a possible procedure that must be done to support the implant.

Because the jaw bone must be strong enough to sustain the implant, it’s also important that the jaw bone is fully grown. That means adults can be candidates for dental implants, whereas children are often not.

A dental implant is a great solution if you are missing a tooth or have a decayed tooth, but this procedure requires adequate care once the procedure is done. It’s important to maintain superb oral hygiene in between procedures you may have done to avoid any gum swelling, as this could complicate the procedure. Swelling can also compromise results.

We will discuss our dental implant procedure with you before we start. We’ll ensure you have all the answers you’ll need, so you’ll feel comfortable with the procedure. Your comfort is important to us here at cosmetic dental office in San Mateo, so we are here to answer any questions you may have.

If you’ve been thinking about getting a dental implant, we invite you to contact us today! We’d love to see if we can help you and determine whether you’d be a candidate for this procedure.