4 Ways to Makeover Your Smile

Achieve Confidence with San Mateo Cosmetic Dentistry Are you happy with your smile? Many of us experience changes in the way our smiles look, especially as we age — but sometimes accidents and sports injury can also change the appearance of our teeth. With today’s modern technology, though, cosmetic dentists are able to transform teeth…Read More

Bridging the Gap with Cosmetic Dentistry

San Mateo Cosmetic Dentist Restores Smiles Porcelain Veneers or BioClear Matrix – What’s the Best Choice? When you look in the mirror and smile, are you happy with what you see? Smiles can change over time as teeth yellow, chip, or break. Age, diet, clenching, and injury can cause unwanted alterations to the way you…Read More

Can I Get Cavities In My New Veneers?

Cosmetic dentistry is the practice of improving your dental health by taking care and fixing a few issues with your teeth. These procedures can include something as simple as teeth whitening or something a bit more extensive, including crowns, veneers, and braces. The procedures chosen for you depends on your current dental health and your…Read More