What Makes You Smile?

San Mateo Cosmetic Dentist Offers 6 Great Reasons to Smile! What a year we’ve had! It’s been confusing, frustrating, and sad at times, but we’re here to remind you that there are many reasons to smile — especially as the summer ushers in graduations, vacations, and sun-soaked days ahead. Flashing a smile has a way…Read More

Zoom Smiles are Important Too!

Acquire Your Best Smile at San Mateo Center for Cosmetic Dentistry I think we can all agree that life has changed over the past year, right? Even the way we conduct business has undergone somewhat of a transformation, with meetings and appointments now being held virtually via phone calls and video conferencing. The plus side?…Read More

How Do You Feel About Your Smile?

Refresh Your Smile at San Mateo Cosmetic Dentistry When you smile in the mirror, what do you see? How does it make you feel? There’s no judgement here; everyone has minor flaws they’d like to overcome. It’s just human nature to want to improve the way we look and feel. And let’s face it. For…Read More

4 Ways to Makeover Your Smile

Achieve Confidence with San Mateo Cosmetic Dentistry Are you happy with your smile? Many of us experience changes in the way our smiles look, especially as we age — but sometimes accidents and sports injury can also change the appearance of our teeth. With today’s modern technology, though, cosmetic dentists are able to transform teeth…Read More