4 Ways to Makeover Your Smile


Achieve Confidence with San Mateo Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you happy with your smile? Many of us experience changes in the way our smiles look, especially as we age — but sometimes accidents and sports injury can also change the appearance of our teeth. With today’s modern technology, though, cosmetic dentists are able to transform teeth that are stained, missing, or cracked into a sparkling, straight, and confident smile.

Dr. Michael Wong and the dental care team at San Mateo Center for Cosmetic Dentistry provide all types of smile services, and when it’s time for a change, here are 4 ways we can help improve the look and feel of your teeth.

  • WhiteningDiscolored teeth are not uncommon, but they can affect your confidence level. You may hide your teeth as you talk or smile — or you may even avoid smiling altogether. There are many reasons for dulled teeth, but there are also options to improve their look.Our teeth have a protective outer layer of strong enamel, and it’s a natural process of aging for this enamel to thin, causing teeth to gradually appear more yellow. Discoloration from smoking is another culprit, as are stains from red wine, coffee, tea, and soft drinks. Medications can also tarnish teeth sometimes, as can poor dental hygiene (as in not brushing, flossing, or rinsing well enough to remove plaque and stain-causing agents).

    There are all types of over-the-counter products that promise to whiten and brighten smiles; however, professional teeth whitening is an option that is safe, effective, and longer-lasting. A system used in our office, Zoom, is advanced technology that uses a blue light and whitening gel to provide up to 14 shades lighter in 1 hour.

    It’s always best to consult with your dentist first to determine the cause of your discoloration and the best course of treatment.

  • CrownsMany people call crowns “caps”, which is a actually a good description of this dental solution for badly shaped, discolored, weakened, or chipped teeth. Crowns are made of porcelain, are natural-looking, and fit perfectly over the tooth (or teeth) that need repair.Molds are taken of the existing tooth to ensure a flawless fit that is the same size and shape. Crowns are cemented in place once the fit, shape, and color are the perfect match. Fabricated to look completely natural, crowns add strength and protect from further injury, so your smile will stay vibrant and bright even longer.
  • VeneersPorcelain veneers are thin, thin shells of dental ceramic that are placed on the front of each tooth that needs repair. Veneers cover chips and discoloration, correct the shape of teeth, and can also close gaps between teeth.The benefits of veneers? They appear very natural and are strong and stain resistant. The procedure is also less invasive than dental crowns.As with other dental services, a San Mateo cosmetic dentist can guide you to the procedure that is best for you.
  • InvisalignLast but not least, let’s not forget about teeth straightening! While braces are not always a popular option (just think of metal brackets), Invisalign braces are a game changer!There are many reasons teeth may need realigned including overbites, underbites, overly crowded or widely spaced teeth. The good news is that because Invisalign uses clear plastic to realign teeth, it’s less obvious than metal braces and wires. You can keep smiling even during the course of treatment!

    You’ll receive a series of aligners that you switch every two weeks to shift your teeth into place. Every aligner is exactly calculated and custom-made, so your new smile is as individual as you are.

Healthy Smiles are Here

With all of the modern technology available by our San Mateo cosmetic dentist, the basics are still pretty important too. Don’t forget your daily brushing and flossing! We’re happy to show you the most effective way to achieve good oral health through proper technique and practice.

Call us today and let us tell you about the many ways we can transform your smile.